Do's and Don'ts After Ceramic Coating On Your Vehicle

Jul 18, 2022
The Detail Freaks staff applying Ceramic Coating

When you buy a new car, every detail matters, from the condition of its leather seats and paint job to how well it's been cared for by previous owners. A well-maintained vehicle will help you get more out of it and protect the driver by reducing wear and tear.

Even if you can wash your car every day, maintaining that dealership look will still be challenging once it hits the pavement again. Plenty of debris, rocks, and other contaminants can work against you and leave your car looking as if you hadn't given it a car wash earlier that day.

One way to get long-lasting protection for the car's exterior is by applying a protective layer and a clear coat on top of the paint job. For some, this is done with paint protection film, and others opt for ceramic coating.

At The Detail Freaks in Cape Coral, FL, our experienced technicians are here to help you decide which option is better for your car, provide you with the details of each service, and make sure you know how certain things may affect the ceramic coating so that you can be sure to avoid them.

Your Car's Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating is the new rage in auto care. It's a liquid polymer that can be applied by hand to your vehicle's exterior coated surface. It is more durable than simple paint sealant and provides solid protection from swirl marks, water spots, and issues related to tree sap, bird droppings, and more.

Ceramic coatings require maintenance, but they are much easier to care for than other methods. At The Detail Freaks, we use a nano-ceramic coating that can last anywhere from 1–7 years when it is well-maintained. It is designed to replace other kinds of sealants and waxes so that you do not have to apply them constantly to achieve the same shine.

yellow car inside The Detail Freaks shop

Ceramic Coatings vs. Paint Protection Film

Ceramic coating means protecting your car from the types of damage that can be done by the sun's harmful UV rays and acidic things like acid rain and animal droppings. It reduces the time you need to wash your car each week and provides more substantial protection for your car's paint than the basic coated surface from the manufacturer.

On the other hand, paint protection films are more protective against things like rock chips and something that can quickly leave scratches on the paint job. Many car owners will opt to apply both to their vehicles, and the PPF should always be used first.

How to Maintain a Ceramic Coated Car

The ceramic coat on your car can be excellent protection for it, but like any other coating, there are some things you need to do and avoid doing so. If we look at the list below:

The Do's of Ceramic Coating Maintenance

Here are some of the top tips for maintaining a car that has had a professional ceramic coating applied to it:

  • Do wash your car every two to three weeks to ensure that the coating's hydrophobic properties do not remove any contaminants.
  • Use the two-bucket method for hand washing your vehicle to prevent swirl marks.
  • Wash your car with a shampoo designed specifically for vehicles with a ceramic coating to avoid abrasive chemical agents and extreme pH levels.
  • Do separate the car washing materials for the car and the wheels to prevent any cross-contamination.

If you follow these accessible "DOs" of ceramic coating maintenance, you should be able to keep your coating looking great for several years.

The Do not's of Ceramic Coating Maintenance

There are also some don'ts of maintenance for ceramic coatings. These include:

  • Never wash your car in direct sunlight since this may result in hard water spots and dried soap residue.
  • Do not forget to clean the wheels since they get plenty of dirt, which could pile up on your car.
  • Please do not take your vehicle to an automatic car wash since they use highly abrasive bristles.
  • Do not park under trees since you will not want tree sap on your fresh coat.
  • Do not park the car where birds can soil it, or the sun will directly shine on it for long periods.

Whenever you need more information on the dos and don'ts of ceramic coating maintenance, feel free to contact The Detail Freaks in Cape Coral.

Contact our Ceramic Coating Experts in Cape Coral, FL

The Detail Freaks is the best place to get a ceramic coating for your vehicle in Cape Coral, FL. If you're interested and want more information on our process, contact us today!

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